在英语中,有时候会有一些单词看起来很相似,但却有完全不同的含义和用法。Imprudence 和 Impudence 就是这样一对容易混淆的单词。虽然它们的拼写相似,但它们的意思和用法却截然不同。在本文中,我们将探讨这两个单词的区别,以帮助读者更好地理解并正确使用它们。

Imprudence指的是不谨慎或不明智的行为或决定。这个词通常与冒险、轻率或不考虑后果的行为相关联。当一个人做出没有考虑到后果的行动或决定时,我们可以说他们表现出了 imprudence。这个词强调了缺乏谨慎或考虑到未来后果的行为。
剑桥词典:the quality of being unwise, because you fail to consider the possible results of your actions
- His imprudence in investing all his money in a single risky venture led to financial ruin.(他在把所有钱都投资到一个风险很大的项目上的不谨慎导致了财务上的破产。)
- It was sheer imprudence to leave the house without an umbrella when the weather forecast predicted heavy rain.(在天气预报预测到将有大雨时,没有带伞离开家是十分不明智的。)
- The imprudence of her decision to quit her job without having another lined up became apparent when she struggled to find employment later.(她毫无准备地辞去工作的不明智之举,在后来她找工作时变得明显了。)
- He regretted the imprudence of his actions when he realized the consequences they had on his relationships.(他意识到自己的行为给他的人际关系带来了后果,因此对自己的不谨慎感到后悔。)
- The imprudence of his decision to drive after drinking resulted in a serious car accident.(他在喝酒后开车的不谨慎决定导致了一起严重的车祸。)
Impudence是一种粗鲁或无礼的行为,通常表现为对他人的无礼或不敬。当一个人言行轻率、放肆,甚至带有侮辱性时,我们可以说他们表现出了 impudence。这个词强调了对他人的不尊重和不礼貌。
剑桥词典:the quality of being rude and not showing respect, especially towards someone who is older or in a more important position
- His impudence was evident when he interrupted the meeting to make jokes.(他的无礼显而易见,当他打断会议讲笑话时。)
- The student showed impudence by talking back to the teacher in front of the whole class.(这个学生在全班同学面前顶撞老师,显示了无礼。)
- I couldn't believe her impudence when she asked for a raise on her first day of work.(我简直不敢相信她的无礼,她在工作的第一天就要求加薪。)
- The customer's impudence reached its peak when he started insulting the waiter.(顾客的无礼达到了顶峰,当他开始侮辱服务员时。)
- Her impudence knew no bounds, as she continued to ignore everyone's advice and do as she pleased.(她的无礼无法无天,继续无视所有人的建议,为所欲为。)
