OEM是Original Equipment Manufacturer,或者是Original Equipment Manufacturing的缩写。

  • 这指的是根据客户的委托,制造并附上客户商标以销售的产品,或者采用这种制造方式的公司。
  • 简单地说,也可以称之为委托生产。
  • 这还包括委托制作软件开发的子系统。
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  • Car manufacturers often collaborate with OEMs to source high-quality parts for their vehicles. (汽车制造商们通常与OEM合作,以获取适用于其汽车的高质量零部件。)
  • The software company partners with OEMs to pre-install their applications on new computers. (该软件公司为了在新电脑上预装他们的应用程序,与OEM合作)。
  • As an OEM, their focus is on producing reliable and standardized components for diverse industries. (作为一家OEM,他们的重点是生产适用于多种行业的可靠且符合标准的组件。)
  • The aerospace industry relies on OEMs to produce components that meet stringent safety standards. (航空航天工业依赖OEM生产符合严格安全标准的组件。)
  • OEMs in the energy sector provide specialized equipment for power generation and distribution. (能源部门的OEM为发电和分配提供专业设备。)
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  • ODM: 是Original Design Manufacturer的缩写。与仅涉及产品生产的OEM不同,ODM从产品开发阶段就开始参与。
  • Contract Manufacturer: 是指合同制造商。这是指根据具体要求生产零部件或成品的公司,为此签订了合同。


  • The fashion brand worked with an ODM to develop a line of exclusive clothing for their upcoming collection. (这个时尚品牌与ODM合作,为他们即将推出的系列服装开发了一条独家产品线。)
  • The startup lacks in-house design capabilities, so they've opted to work with an ODM for their product development. (由于初创公司缺乏内部设计能力,因此他们选择与ODM合作进行产品开发。)
  • The automotive industry relies on contract manufacturers to produce specialized components for various car models.(汽车行业依赖于合同制造商为各种汽车型号生产专业零部件。)
  • The demand for our product surged, prompting us to seek a reliable contract manufacturer for increased production capacity.(由于对我们产品的需求激增,促使我们寻找可靠的合同制造商以提高生产能力。)



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OEM - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
What’s the Difference between ODM and OEM? - Guided Imports
Are you confused by the difference between ODM vs. OEM? An Amazon Seller most frequently asked questions... get all your answers here.
Contract Manufacturer
A contract manufacturer (CM) refers to companies that design, manufacture, test, distribute, and/or provide post-sales services for parts or assemblies for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).