VAT是Value Added Tax的缩写。

  • 这是购买商品或服务时附加在价格上的税金。
  • 这是在欧盟应用的一种税制,等同于中国地区的增值税。
  • 美国不征收增值税。美国有一些州政府不征收增值税,而是征收销售税。
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  • When shopping in Europe, you'll notice that prices include VAT, the Value Added Tax. (在欧洲购物时,你会注意到价格已经包含了增值税,即VAT。)
  • Businesses typically display the total cost, including VAT, on product labels. (商店通常在商品标签上写上包括增值税在内的总金额。)
  • The restaurant bill included a breakdown of the meal cost and the applied VAT. (餐厅账单详细列出了餐费和适用的增值税。)
  • The standard VAT rate varies across countries. (标准增值税率因国家而异。)
  • Consumers sometimes mistakenly believe that the entire purchase amount goes to the business, unaware of the included VAT. (消费者有时会错误地认为整个购买金额都流向商家,而不知道其中已经包括了增值税。)
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  • Sales tax:销售税。是与VAT相对应的一个术语,是人们在购买商品和服务时支付的税款。增值税和销售税的最大区别在于,增值税不仅对原材料和中间阶段的产品和服务征税,而且对最终消费者也征税;而销售税仅对最终消费者征税。
  • GST: 商品和服务税。是Goods and Services Tax的缩写,是对商品和服务征收的税款。这个术语主要在澳大利亚、印度等国家使用。


  • The sales tax is generally applied at the point of sale, directly impacting consumers. (销售税通常在销售点直接对消费者产生影响。)
  • In some countries, sales tax is known by different names, such as Value Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST). (在一些国家,销售税有不同的名称,如增值税(VAT)或商品和服务税(GST)。)
  • Tourists may be eligible for sales tax refunds on purchases made during their stay in some regions. (在某些地区,游客可能有资格在其逗留期间对购物获得的销售税进行退款。 )
  • When shopping in India, you'll notice the GST rate is applied to most goods and services. (在印度购物时,大部分商品和服务都适用了商品及服务税率。 )
  • Online platforms now automatically calculate the GST, making it easier for businesses to comply. (在线平台现在会自动计算商品和服务税,使企业更容易遵守规定。)
  • Governments periodically review and adjust the GST rate to respond to economic conditions. (各国政府为了应对经济状况,定期研究和调整商品和服务税率。)



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VAT:单词缩写,Value-added Tax,最早起源于法国,是在欧盟应用的一种税制。等同于中国地区的增值税。而在部分地区如澳大利亚地区又称为GST(Goods and Services Tax)。vat在国际贸易中一般是指增值税的意思,根据各个国家的税率不同,外贸人员交的增值税也有所不同。只是对于在eBay这样的主流在线外贸业务,eBay卖家不需要缴纳vat增值税,因eBay都是以邮件小包形式发送物品,因此省略了vat这样繁杂的流程。尽管如此,对于一般外贸企业而言,增值税作为过关时的重要环节,需要外贸企业掌握vat的算法,以及遵循一定的缴纳vat方式,做到合理的熟悉外贸流程。
1. a large container used for mixing or storing liquid substances, especially…
goods and services tax
the name for a tax on goods and services in some countries such as Australia…
sales tax
1. a tax paid by people when they buy goods or services 2. a tax paid by people…
Value-Added Tax (VAT)
Value-added tax (VAT) is collected on a product at every stage of the supply chain where value is added to it, from production to point of sale.