


剑桥词典:not regular or fixed


  • She opted for a casual outfit, pairing jeans with a comfortable T-shirt for the weekend outing.(她选择了一身休闲装,周末外出搭配牛仔裤和一件舒适的T恤。)
  • The cafe's casual ambiance invites customers to relax and enjoy a cup of coffee in a laid-back setting.(咖啡馆轻松的氛围邀请顾客在轻松的环境中放松身心,享受一杯咖啡。)
  • The meeting was kept casual, encouraging open discussion and free exchange of ideas among team members.(会议保持轻松氛围,鼓励团队成员进行开放式讨论,自由交流想法。)
  • In a casual conversation, they discovered common interests that led to the development of a strong friendship.(在一次随意的交谈中,他们发现了共同的兴趣,从而发展成了深厚的友谊。)
  • The company's dress code allows employees to wear casual attire on Fridays, fostering a relaxed end-of-week atmosphere.(公司的着装规定允许员工在星期五穿着休闲服装,营造出轻松的周末氛围。)



剑桥词典:expressing or indicating cause


  • The researchers conducted a study to explore the causal relationship between stress levels and sleep quality.(研究人员进行了一项研究,探讨压力水平与睡眠质量之间的因果关系。)
  • There is a well-established causal link between excessive sugar consumption and the development of certain health conditions.(过量摄入糖分与某些健康状况的发展之间存在着确切的因果关系。)
  • The economic downturn had a causal impact on the decline in consumer spending patterns.(经济衰退对消费者支出模式的下降产生了因果影响。)
  • The scientist proposed a hypothesis to investigate the causal factors behind the sudden change in climate patterns.(科学家提出了一个假设,调查导致气候模式突然变化的因果因素。)
  • Understanding the causal relationship between regular exercise and cardiovascular health is crucial for promoting overall well-being.(了解定期锻炼与心血管健康之间的因果关系对于促进整体健康至关重要。)



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1. Casual clothes are not formal or not suitable for special occasions: 2. not…
Definition of CAUSAL
expressing or indicating cause : causative; of, relating to, or constituting a cause; involving causation or a cause : marked by cause and effect… See the full definition